Muriel Drazien

Muriel Drazien, born in New York, was a psychoanalyst working first in Paris and then in Rome, a Lacanian and one of the three Tripode
that fostered the teaching of Jacques Lacan in Italy.


Born in New York from parents of middle European Ashkenazi descent she was educated at Columbia University.
She won a Fulbright scholarship to study medicine in Paris.
There she studied psychoanalysis under the direct tuition of Jacques Lacan and went on to work with many French exponents of his discipline, including
Françoise Dolto, Maud Mannoni, Moustapha Safouan.
She was one of the founders of École Freudienne de Paris.
Consistent with Lacan's 1973 Letter to the Italians,
in which she is nominated along with Contri and Verdiglione, she transferred to work in Rome, where she fostered Lacan's teaching.
In 1983, she founded the Psychoanalytic Association Cosa Freudiana
to which she also acted as chairperson.
In 2002, in conjunction with the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and she founded the Laboratorio Freudiano
where she acted as both director and teacher.
She is remembered as a valued member of the Association Lacanienne Internationale.
