
Murderland is a three-part British television series created by David Pirie and directed by Catherine Morshead. The series also marks a return to ITV for Robbie Coltrane. The series was filmed in June 2009 and the first episode was transmitted on Monday, 19 October 2009.

Plot summary

Murderland poses the question of tragedy and curiosity - can one move on from horrible and unexplained events that one experiences as a child, and grow up to make a new life? Or will peace come only once the truth is known?
Murderland tells of the mystery surrounding a traumatic murder, as seen from the perspective of the three primary characters. Carrie, the daughter of the murdered woman, Douglas Hain, the detective in charge of the investigation, and Sally the murder victim all have their story to tell.
Haunted by her mother's murder when she was a child, Carrie seeks to uncover the truth so that she can move on with her life. As the investigation unfolds, Carrie's yearning to discover who murdered her mother grows more intense, bringing her closer to the detective working the case.


DVD release

The complete series of Murderland was released on DVD on 1 February 2010.