Munchies (film)

Munchies is a 1987 comedy horror film starring Harvey Korman, Charlie Stratton, and Nadine Van der Velde. Directed by Tina Hirsch, the film editor for Gremlins, the film features a remarkably similar plotline. It spawned two sequels, Munchie and Munchie Strikes Back, which possess no relation to the original film save the titles. These two films dealt with an impish, wish-granting creature named Munchie.

Plot summary

The protagonist, space archaeologist Simon Watterman, discovers a fossilized "Munchie" in a cave in Peru and accidentally reanimates it. Bringing the specimen back to the United States, Watterman's son and girlfriend name it Arnold. Cecil Watterman, Simon's evil twin brother and snack food entrepreneur, kidnaps Arnold while Cindy and Paul are making out.
When Arnold is hurt by his kidnappers, it becomes aggressive and attacks Cecil's adopted son. Attempting to kill Arnold, they chop him into quarters, but instead of dying, Arnold multiplies into four new Munchies. The quartet of creatures develop a love of women, beer, attacking people, and junk food in the process.


Tina Hirsch had edited three films for Corman in the 1970s. In the mid 80s she wanted to direct and told him. Corman wanted to make a Gremlins knock off, which were profitable at the time, and since Hirsch had edited that film it seemed a good fit. Munchies was shot over 12 days, followed by three days of filming puppets and inserts.