List of multilateral free-trade agreements
This is a list of multilateral free-trade agreements, between several countries all treated equally. For agreements between two countries, between a bloc and a country, or between two blocs, see list of bilateral free-trade agreements; these are not listed below.
Every customs union, common market, economic union, customs and monetary union and economic and monetary union is also a free-trade area; these are listed on these separate articles and are not included below.
For a general explanation, see free-trade area.
[World Trade Organization] agreements
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- *Agreement on Agriculture
- *Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
- *Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
- *Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures
- *Agreement on Anti-Dumping
- *Agreement on Customs Valuation
- *Agreement on Preshipment Inspection
- *European Trade
- *Agreement on Rules of Origin
- *Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures
- *Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
- *Agreement on Safeguards
- *Arrangement regarding Bovine Meat
- *International Dairy Agreement
- General Agreement on Trade in Services
- Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
- Agreement on Government Procurement
- Information Technology Agreement
- Trade Facilitation Agreement
Operating agreements
- African Continental Free Trade Area - 2019
- Andean Community - 1969
- ASEAN Free Trade Area - 1992
- ASEAN–Australia–New Zealand Free Trade Area - 2010
- Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement - 1975
- Central American Integration System - 1993
- Central European Free Trade Agreement - 1992
- Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa - 1994
- Commonwealth of Independent States Free Trade Area - 2011
- Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership - 2018
- Greater Arab Free Trade Area -1997
- Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement - 2004
- East African Community - 2005
- Eurasian Economic Union - 2015
- European Economic Area - 1994
- European Free Trade Association - 1960
- European Union Customs Union - 1958
- G-3 Free Trade Agreement - 1995
- Gulf Cooperation Council - 1981
- International Grains Agreement - 1995 Comprising a Grains Trade Convention and a Food Aid Convention
- Pacific Alliance Free Trade Area - 2012
- South Asian Free Trade Area - 2004
- Southern African Development Community Free Trade Area - 1980
- Southern Common Market - 1991
- United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement - 2020
Proposed agreements
- African Free Trade Zone between SADC, EAC and COMESA
- Arab Maghreb Union
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
- Association of Caribbean States
- Bay of Bengal Initiative for MultiSectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
- China–Japan–South Korea Free Trade Agreement
- Community of Sahel-Saharan States
- Commonwealth Free Trade Area
- Economic Community of Central African States
- Economic Community of West African States
- Economic Partnership Agreements
- Euro-Mediterranean free trade area
- Free Trade Area of the Americas
- Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific
- GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development
- Intergovernmental Authority on Development
- Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations
- 2021 Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
- Shanghai Cooperation Organisation
- Transatlantic Free Trade Area
- Tripartite Free Trade Area
- Union of South American Nations
Agreements no longer active
- Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries - 1974
- International Bauxite Association - 1974
- International Tin Agreement - 1956
- Multi Fibre Arrangement - 1974-2005
- North American Free Trade Agreement - 1994-2020
Agreements signed but never in effect
- Trans-Pacific Partnership - signed 2016, signature withdrawn by the United States in 2017 thus rendering the agreement unratifiable. The remaining eleven countries signed the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2018.