Muhammad Yar Shah

Muhammad Yar Shah Naqvi Najafi was a Pakistani Twelver Shia mujtahid and scholar.


He completed his secondary education in 1932. After completing his secondary education, he decided to study religion.
For religious studies, Najafi went to Khanewal to study from Allamah Syed Muhammad Baqir Hindi. Later, he traveled to Najaf for higher religious education. After completing his education and receiving Ijaza e Ijtihad from many of his teachers, he came back to Pakistan. He lived in Jalalpur and then came back to his city Alipur and started a madarasa that was known as Jamia Ilmiya Dar-ul-Huda Muhammadia. Najafi died on 20 December 1990 in Lahore, but was buried in Alipur.


His students include: