Mu Ceti

Mu Ceti is a star in the constellation Cetus. The combined apparent magnitude of the system is +4.27, and is located 84 light years from the Sun.
In Chinese, 天囷, meaning Circular Celestial Granary, refers to an asterism consisting of α Ceti, κ1 Ceti, λ Ceti, μ Ceti, ξ1 Ceti, ξ2 Ceti, ν Ceti, γ Ceti, δ Ceti, 75 Ceti, 70 Ceti, 63 Ceti and 66 Ceti. Consequently, the Chinese name for Mu Ceti itself is "the Fourth Star of Circular Celestial Granary".
Mu Ceti is an A9 giant star. It has been suspected to be a δ Scuti variable, but most studies find it to be of constant brightness.
Three companions were all discovered during occultations of Mu Ceti by the Moon. An orbit was derived for the brightest with a period of 1202 days. Later studies have failed to find any evidence of these companions.