Mount Shigi

Mount Shigi is a mountain located in Ikoma District, Nara, Japan.


Legend of Prince Shotoku

One of the legends of Mt. Shigi tells of Prince Shotoku asking for victory from the gods over his opponents. Prince Shotoku was a descendant of the Soga family, who had loyalty to Buddhism. During the Year of the Tiger, Prince Shotoku was promoting Buddhism, and was in conflict with the Mononobe family. While at Mt. Shigi, Prince Shotoku prayed for a victory over Mononobe no Moriya. Bishamonten, the Buddhist deity of war, then visited him during the Hour of the Tiger, on the Day of the Tiger. Bishamonten then lead Prince Shotoku to victory in the Battle of Shigisen. Prince Shotoku then built a shrine in his honor.

Legends of Mount Shigi

A scroll painting called Shigisan-engi depicts three miracles revolving around a monk by the name of Myoren who lived on Mount Shigi.