Mount Mendel

Mount Mendel is a peak in Fresno County, California. It is in Kings Canyon National Park in the Evolution Region, of the Sierra Nevada and adjacent to Mount Darwin which is on the Sierra crest.


and E. C. Bonner of the United States Geological Survey named a series of mountains for the six major exponents of the theory of evolution. Mount Mendel is named for, Gregor Mendel, an Augustinian friar, who is known as the "father of modern genetics". Other nearby mountains in the group include Mount Darwin, Mount Fiske, Mount Haeckel, Mount Huxley, Mount Spencer, Mount Wallace, and Mount Lamarck. The area around the peaks, known as the Evolution Region, includes Evolution Basin, Evolution Valley, Evolution Meadow and Evolution Creek.


There are several class 3 and class 4 routes available, however, Mount Mendel is best known for having two of the hardest ice climbs in the High Sierra on its North Face. Two of the documented ice climbs are "Ice Nine" and "The Mendel Couloir",. See the article Grade.