Motown Magic

Motown Magic is an animated children's television series, created by Josh Wakely, and produced for Netflix. The series follows Ben, described by Netflix as “a wide-eyed 8-year-old with a big heart and an amazing imagination,” who uses a magic paintbrush to bring the street art in Motown to life. Wakely acquired worldwide rights from the music of Motown to feature in the series. The program features versions of songs by the popular record label, performed by contemporary recording artists and interwoven into the narrative. Motown hits that are recorded in the series are from such performers as The Jackson 5, Michael Jackson, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, The Supremes and Smokey Robinson & The Miracles.
The series was first made available worldwide on Netflix on November 20, 2018.


Motown Magic received favourable reviews. Critics praised the concept of reimagining Motown songs for a young audience.

Other media


The first soundtrack to the show was released on online music-streaming service Apple Music on November 20, 2018.