Motivos personales

Motivos Personales was a TV series of intrigue and suspense, produced by Round Productions and broadcast by Telecinco in 2005, with good audience support and critically successful.


The story begins on the feast commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Acosta Laboratories. All seems well until the secretary of the president of the laboratories, Mara Yimou appears dead against a glass ceiling inside the building. At first, evidence indicates that the culprit is the husband of journalist Natalia Nadal, Arturo Acosta. At trial he is found guilty and thrown in prison. Natalia later learns from a video that the judgement was based on false evidence and will tell her husband in jail, but she finds that her husband had committed suicide. From this moment, Natalia begins to investigate with her friend Virginia, attorney of the laboratories, and together they're drawn into a complicated network of secrets and crimes. The causes of deaths go back many years back and are the result of a cold revenge on Natalia.


Main characters

Season 1

Season 2

Awards and nominations