Moshe Sardines

Moshe Sardines was an Israeli politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Mapai and its successors from 1959 until 1969.


Born in Smyrna in the Ottoman Empire, Sardines made aliyah to Israel in 1949. He was amongst the founders of moshav Geva Carmel, and headed its committee. He was also amongst the leadership of the Moshavim Movement, and managed its purchasing organisation.
A member of Mapai, he was placed 28th on the party's list for the 1959 Knesset elections, and was elected as the party won 47 seats. He was re-elected in 1961 in 27th place, and 1965, by which time Mapai had formed the Labour Alignment alliance. He did not stand in the 1969 elections. During his last term, he served as a Deputy Speaker.
Sardines died in 1984 at the age of 66.