Morrinhos, Goiás

Morrinhos is a municipality in southern Goiás state, Brazil. It is a large producer of agricultural products, especially poultry and dairy products.


Morrinhos is located almost directly south of the state capital, Goiânia and is west of the major BR-153 highway, which links Goiânia to São Paulo. It is the gateway to Caldas Novas, a hot water resort, which is to the east. The distance to Goiânia is.
Neighboring municipalities are:
Mayor: Rogério Carlos Troncoso Chaves
City council: 9


In 2007 the population density was inhabitants/km2. The population has grown at a moderate pace since 1980, when it was 32,122. The geometric growth rate between 2000 and 2007 was 0.76%. In 2003 most of the population was living in the urban area, which had 33,251 inhabitants, while 5,746 people were living in the rural area.

Climate and geography

The climate is mainly tropical humid, with temperatures varying between. The topography is flat and the relief is wavy. The flora is composed mainly of small woods with aroeira, cedar, jacaranda, ipê, and some medicinal plants like douradinha, quinine, chapéu-de-couro, and congonha.


The economy is based on agriculture, services, and small industries.
Agriculture is the main economic activity and the main crops are soybeans, corn, rice, beans, tomatoes, cotton, pineapples, and citrus fruits. The cattle herd is large, with 258,170 head in 2006. With 66,690 dairy cattle, milk production is very important and Morrinhos was the third largest producer of milk in Goiás with over 67 million liters annual production in 2006.
There was a substantial poultry industry with 347,000 head in 2006.
In June 2007 there was 1 industrial zone in the city, 74 industrial units, and 494 retail units. There were 2 dairies: Marajoara Indústria de Laticínios Ltda.; - Cooperativa Mista dos Produtos de Leite de Morrinhos Ltda. The financial sector was represented by 5 branches: Banco do Brasil S.A. - BRADESCO S.A. - Banco Itaú S.A. - Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A - CEF.
Main agricultural products in total planted area were oranges, cotton, rice, beans, watermelon, corn, soybeans, sorghum, tomatoes, and wheat.
;Farm data
In 2007 there were 3 hospitals with 121 beds. One hospital was public and 2 were private. The infant mortality rate was 13.88 in 2000, well below the state and national average. In 2006 the school system had 40 schools and 10,458 students. Higher education was represented by a campus of the state university: UEG - Faculdade de Educação, Ciências e Letras de Morrinhos - FECLEM. The adult literacy rate was 88.9% in 2000.

Origin of the name

The name of the town comes from the hills of Ovo, Catraca, and Cruz, well-known points in the region.

High quality of life

Morrinhos is one of the best places to live in the state. In the United Nations Human Development Index, it had a rating of 0.806, which ranked it in 6th place out of a total of 242 municipalities in the state of Goiás. Nationally it was ranked 806 out of 5,503 municipalities. For the complete list see .


The Jatobá Centenário ecological park was established in 1996. It has about of virgin forest and around of trails. Various species of fauna can be found. The most common are the macacos-pregos, tatus, tamanduás, capivaras, wolves, foxes, deer, fish, jabutis, ducks, egrets, hawks, toucans, jaós, partrige, bem-te-vi, and joão-de-barro, among others.
The Jatobá centenário is the largest tree in the park, which impresses visitors with its majestic beauty. There are several natural lakes in the forest with cold and clear waters.


In the beginning of the nineteenth century, Antônio Correia Bueno and his brothers Inácio and Pedro, from Patrocínio, Minas Gerais, arrived in the region. Only Antônio decided to stay with his family. In 1845, Captain Gaspar Martins Veiga donated the land to create the town. Its first name was Nossa Senhora do Carmo but when it was elevated to a district the name was changed to Vila Bela de Morrinhos. In 1855, it became a municipality, including the district of Vila Bela do Paranaíba and Santa Rita do Paranaíba.