Montgomery County Association for the Blind
Montgomery County Association for the Blind is a private 501 non-profit organization that provides vision rehabilitation services for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. MCAB primarily serves Montgomery County and Northern Chester County with some services available throughout the five county Philadelphia area. Located in North Wales, PA, MCAB is supported by donors, private foundations, corporations, special events, bequests and other gifts. MCAB is not a government agency and receives less than 5% of its funding from government sources. MCAB serves nearly 2400 blind and visually impaired persons. Since 1945, MCAB has been providing uninterrupted comprehensive services and specialized support to people experiencing vision loss.Programs and services
- Social Services
- Orientation and Mobility
- Psychotherapy Specializing in Vision Loss
- Vision Rehabilitation Therapy
- Computer Access Training
- Employment Program
- Summer Day Camp for Children
- Pre-school Vision Screening
- Support Groups
- Transportation
- Community Education
- Volunteer Support
- Advocacy
- Scholarship
- Recreation
- Family Focus Program for Recent Vision Loss
- Loaned Equipment
- Cassette Book Program
More detailed information on these programs and services is available at the