Montevideo Department

Montevideo is a department of Uruguay.
It is by far the smallest one in area but the most populated as well. It contains the city of Montevideo, capital of Uruguay. While most of the department is covered by the capital city, there are still smaller towns within its limits.


The Intendencia Departamental de Montevideo is charged with the executive functions of the Department, while the legislative functions are exercised by the Junta Departamental de Montevideo.

Population and Demographics

According to the 2011 census, Montevideo Department has a population of 1,680,108 and 520,538 households. There are also 186,835 business premises.
During the 2004 census the following urban centers had been counted:
City / TownPopulation
Pajas Blancas1,976
Santiago Vázquez1,482

The census of 2011 has counted a population of 1,684,554 for the whole of Montevideo. Separate numbers have been provided for each of the 8 new divisions of the department called Municipios.

Rural population

According to the 2011 census, Montevideo Department has a rural population of 14,026.