Mollahat Upazila

Mollahat is an Upazila of Bagerhat District in the Division of Khulna, Bangladesh.


During the War of Liberation a battle between the freedom fighters and the Pakistani troops was fought at Charkulia in which about 200 Pakistani soldiers including a captain were killed.
There is a War of Liberation Memorial monument at Charkulia.


Mollahat is located at . It has 21,465 households and a total area of 187.88 km².


According to the 1991 Bangladesh census, Mollahat had a population of 116,729. Males constituted 50.52% of the population, and females 49.48%. The population aged 18 or over was 56,893. Mollahat had an average literacy rate of 31.6%, compared to the national average of 32.4%.
Mollahat Upazila with an area of 187.44 km2, is bounded by kalia upazila on the north, fakirhat and chitalmari upazilas on the south, Chitalmari, tungipara and gopalganj sadar upazilas on the east, terokhada and rupsa upazilas on the west. Main rivers are madhumati, Atharbanki, Chitra; noted depressions: Kenduar Beel and Kodaliar Beel.
Mollahat consists of 8 mouzas with an area of 8.79 km2. It has a population of 10708; male 51.83%, female 48.17%. The density of population is 1218 per km2. The literacy rate among the town people is 36%. The town has one dakbungalow.
At the 1991 Census, 75.01% of the population were Muslim, 24.87% Hindu and 0.12% followed other religions.
Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 31.6%; male 36.8% and female 26.2%. Educational institutions: college 3, high school 13, government primary school 58, non-government primary school 19 and madrasa 8, noted of which are Angra Government Primary School and Madartali Model Government Primary School.


Main occupations

Agriculture 53.61%, fishing 1.71%, agricultural labourer 22.15%, wage labourer 2.02%, industries 1.6%, commerce 5.93%, transport 1.21%, service 6.2%, others 5.57%.

Land use

Cultivable land covers 14602.53 hectares and fallow land 2287.05 hectares; single crop 35%, double crop 47% and treble crop land 18%.
Land control Among the peasants, 10% are landless, 27% small, 25% marginal, 30% intermediary and 8% rich.
Value of land Market value of first grade of land is Tk 5000 per 0.01 hectare.
Main crops Paddy, jute, sugarcane, wheat, til, pulse, kumara and sweet potato.
Extinct and nearly extinct crops tobacco, masnia.
Main fruits Mango, jackfruit, banana, coconut and papaya.
Fisheries, dairies and poultries: Fishery 10000, poultry 159.
Communication facilities Roads: pucca 34.41 km, semi pucca 12 km and mud road 269 km.
Traditional transport Palanquin and horse carriage, bullock curt. These means of transport are either extinct or nearly extinct.
Manufactories Ice factory 2
Cottage industries Bamboo work 235, goldsmith 50, blacksmith 35, potteries 15, wood work 150, tailoring 225 and bidi 2.
Hats, bazars and fairs Hats and bazars are 23, fairs 4, most noted of which are Mollahat, Udaypur and Nagarkandi.
Main exports Betel leaf, sugarcane, date molasses, coconut, betel nut, banana, papaya and shrimp.
NGO's activities brac, CARE, asa, Gonoshahajjo Sangstha, Proderpon, Ganasahijya Sangstha and Srijanee.
Health centres Upazila health complex 1 and union health family planning centre 6.

Arts and culture

There are eight rural clubs and 20 playgrounds.

Points of interest

There is a single domed mosque at Kulia union.


Mollahat Thana was established in 1967 and was turned into an upazila in 1983. It consists of 7 union parishads, 58 mouzas and 102 villages.

Religious institutions

There are 267 mosques, 72 temples and 2 churches, the most noted of which are the single-domed Mosque and Matiargati temple.