Mohammad Esmaili

Mohammad Esmaili is an Iranian percussionist. He grew up in a musical family, which included his uncles Morteza Goreenzadeh and Musttappha Goreenzadeh, trumpet and clarinet players. From an early age, Mohammad was impressed by the "father of modern tombak", Hossein Tehrani, which attracted him to this field as a tombak player.


Mohammad Esmaili was tombak accompanist in some of the music ensembles of the time and later joined the tombak players ensemble of the General Bureau of the Fine Arts of Iran, which was organized and formed by Hossein Tehrani. Mohammad Esmaili joined the National High School of Music in 1964 as a tombak instructor. He was later appointed director of the tombak department. He trained and taught numerous students using the Amozesh Tombak exercise book written by Tehrani.
In 1966, he was promoted to director to the tombak department of the Ministry of Culture and Art, a position he held until the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979.
