Mogollon-Datil volcanic field

The Mogollon-Datil volcanic field is a large silicic volcanic field in western New Mexico. It is a part of an extensive Eocene to Oligocene volcanic event which includes the San Juan volcanic field in southwestern Colorado, the Trans-Pecos volcanic field in west Texas and north central Mexico, the Boot Heel volcanic field in the bootheel of southwestern New Mexico and adjacent areas of Arizona and Mexico; and the vast volcanic field of the Sierra Madre Occidental of western Mexico. The Mogollon-Datil volcanic field was formed in "four discrete pulses representing synchronized activity of two separate cauldron complexes".
The Socorro, New Mexico region of the central Rio Grande rift hosts an inflating mid-crustal sill-like magma body at a depth of 19 km that is responsible for anomalously high earthquake activity in the vicinity. Earth and space-based geodetic measurements indicate ongoing surface uplift above the at approximately 2 mm/year.


The Datil Group, or series of volcanic and related formations in New Mexico and eastern Arizona represents the extrusive output from the Mogollon-Datil volcanic field. Originally the Baca Formation was included in the group, but now the group is considered to start with the Spears Formation. The base of the group, as originally defined, rests unconformably on the Mesaverde Formation, and the series is succeeded by the Popotosa Formation of the Santa Fe Group. The series consists of the following formations:

Northern complex

Socorro-Magdalena caldera cluster
Location: West of Socorro, South of Magdalena, and Southeast of Datil.
Socorro Caldera32 Ma
Sawmill Canyon Caldera28.7 Ma
Hardy Ridge Caldera28 Ma
Mount Withington Caldera27.4 Ma
Bear Trap Caldera24.3 Ma

Southern complex

Located from Las Cruces to Mogollon:
Nogal Caldera28.4 Ma
Organ Caldera32 Ma
Emory Caldera33 Ma
Twin Sisters Caldera31.4 Ma
Schoolhouse Mountain Caldera33.5 Ma
Mogollon Caldera
34.0 Ma
Bursum Caldera28.0 Ma
Gila Cliff Dwellings Caldera28.1 Ma

Note: the ages given in Chapin et al. and Ward do not match sometimes.