The Economic Function of the State. Cairo: The Center for the Study of Developing Countries, 1998.
al-Waẓīfa al-iqtiṣādīya li-d-daula: dirāsa fi 'l-uṣūl wa-'n-naẓarīyāt, 1998
Gender Issues in the Minds of Arab Youth: An Extended Focus Group Discussion, Cairo: Arab Women Organization, 2006.
Advanced Empirical Political Research Techniques Using Stata 8.2, Cairo: Cairo University's Center For Political Researches and Studies, Cairo University, 2007.
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;Articles and book chapters:
Development Forum, a quarterly magazine issued by The Center of the Study of Developing Countries, Cairo University.
"Islam and Democracy", Politics and Ethics, Vol. 18, June 2002, pp. 26–43.
"Egypt's Ideological Polarization: A Challenge to Liberal Democracy", The Political Science Research Series, No. 150, December 2005.
"Democratizing the Arab World: The Competitive Authoritarianism Scenario", al-Mustaqbal AlArabi, No. 326, April 2006 and republished in: IslamOnLine.Net.
"An Examination of the 'Intellectual Invasion' Thesis: The Politics of Foreign Education in Egypt" in Ussama Megahed, The Politics of High Education in Egypt, Cairo University: Center for Political Research and Studies, 2006.
"Muslim Cultural Entrepreneurs and the Democracy Debate", Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 15, Number 1, Spring 2006, pp. 49 – 78.
"The US Public Diplomacy: Discourse and Impact Analysis", in Moataz A. Fattah, US Public Diplomacy toward the Arab World, Cairo University's Program of Dialogue of Civilizations 2007.
"Democracy in the Muslim Mind: Evidence from 33 Countries", Journal of Political Science and Sociology, No. 7, 2007.
"The Philosophical and Political Roots of Welfare States", in: The Welfare State in the Arab World, Beirut: Center for the Study of Arab Unity, 2007.
Encylopeida of Terrorism with Patricia D. Netzley, San Diego: Greenhave Press, 2007.
"Turkey and the Search for a Balanced Secularism", Al-Sayssa Al-Dawliya, No. 168, July 2007.
"Stipulating the Concept of 'Islamic Peculiarity': The Five Grand Questions", in Nadia Mustapha, The Islamic Culture and Exceptionalism, Cairo: The Program for Civilization Studies and Dialogue of Cultures, 2008.
"The Political Orientations of Media and Egyptians toward the Legislative Elections 2005", Cairo University: Center for Political Research and Studies, 2009.
"Saudi Foreign Policy between Contesting Partnerships: The Ulama and United States", in Ali E. Dessouki and Bahgat Korany, The Foreign Policies of the Arab States: The Challenge of Change, ed. &, 3rd edition, 2009.