Mistress Forrest

Mistress Forrest and her maid servant Anne Burras, were the first two European women to come to the Virginia Colony.
Arriving on October 1, 1608 in what is known as the Second Supply aboard the English ship the Mary and Margaret under Captain Christopher Newport to resupply the colony at Jamestown, Virginia. Her husband Thomas Forrest Esq. was listed as a gentleman on that ship as shown on its manifest, whereas she was listed only as Mistress Forrest. Thomas and Margaret had married on August 16, 1605, in St. Giles in the Fields, London, England.

Excavation at Jamestown

Remains unearthed at Jamestown in 1997 may be those of Mistress Forrest.

Thomas and Mistress Forrest in a painting, Baptism of Pocahontas, in the Rotunda of the US Capital Building
