Missing Pieces (1992 film)

Missing Pieces is a 1992 comedy film directed and written by Leonard Stern. Eric Idle plays a former greeting-card writer whose possible inheritance causes him great distress.


and Robert Wuhl star as a mismatched couple, Wendel and Lou in this mystery-comedy caper. Characters include a one-handed kingpin,a lawyer who suffers from dwarfism, and twin brothers, one a crazed photographer and the other a mild-mannered antique dealer. One of Wendel's many former foster parents, Mr Hu, dies, and his lawyer gives Wendel his inheritance. A riddle. Wendel and Lou soon realise the riddle isn't Hu's heirloom, just the key to finding Wendel's inheritance. But they are pursued by several unfavourable characters, almost all of whom want them dead. The end.


The film opened in theatres on 17 July 1992, and was available on DVD from 20 August 1996. Also on HBO Video.