Ministry of Defense (Saudi Arabia)

The Ministry of Defense is a Ministry in Saudi Arabia that is responsible for the protection of the national security, interests and sovereignty of the country from the external threats as well as the working with all ministries of the state to achieve national security and stability. The current minister of defense is Prince Mohammad bin Salman, who was appointed on 23 January 2015. The Ministry includes four armed forces; The Royal Saudi Land Forces, The Royal Saudi Air Forces, The Royal Saudi Naval Forces, The Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces.
In 2017, Saudi Arabia has ranked third in the world with military spending and by far the largest military spender in the Middle East. With an allocated budget of $69.4 billion representing 10% of the country's gross domestic product, Saudi Arabia replaced Russia, which ranked fourth in military spending according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. SIPRI also stated that Saudi Arabia is the most well-armed country in the Persian Gulf region in terms of its inventory of modern equipment.


Military Affairs Administration
In 1929, A royal order was issued by King Abdulaziz, the founder of Saudi Arabia, to create the Military Affairs Administration to deal with military issues and build a strong army. The army was organized into three units: machine gun, infantry and artillery units.
Defense Agency
In addition to the Military Affairs Administration, the Defense Agency was established by King Abdulaziz’s order in 1934 as a requirement of the expansion and modernization where further detachments were created and distributed over the cities and seaports of the country.
General Staff Presidency
In 1939, the General Staff Presidency was established replacing the Military Affairs Administration.
Ministry of Defense and aviation.
In 1943, the Ministry of Defense was created replacing the Defense Agency, later in 1952, its name was changed to the ministry of defense and aviation.
Ministry of Defense
In 2011, the Ministry of Defense and Aviation was renamed to be Ministry of Defense.

Ministers of Defense