Minister without Portfolio (Netherlands)

In the Netherlands the Ministers without portfolio are Dutch ministers that does not head a specific ministry, but assumes the same power and responsibilities as a minister that does. The minister is responsible for a specific part of another minister's policy field. In that sense, a minister without portfolio is comparable to a State Secretary a junior minister in Dutch politics, who also falls under another ministry and is responsible for a specific part of that minister's policy field. However, one distinct difference is that a minister without portfolio is a member of the Council of Ministers and can vote in it, whereas a state secretary is not. The minister for development cooperation has always been a minister without portfolio.

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Gerbrandy cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Third Gerbrandy cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Schermerhorn–Drees cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First Beel cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Drees–Van Schaik cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First Drees cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Drees cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [De Quay cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Marijnen cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Cals cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Zijlstra cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [De Jong cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First Biesheuvel cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Biesheuvel cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Den Uyl cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First [Van Agt cabinet]]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Van Agt cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Third Van Agt cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First [Lubbers cabinet]]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Lubbers cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Third Lubbers cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First [Kok cabinet]]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Kok cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First Balkenende cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Balkenende cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Third Balkenende cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Fourth Balkenende cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [First Rutte cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Second Rutte cabinet]

List of Ministers without Portfolio in the [Third Rutte cabinet]