Ministry for the Ecological Transition (France)

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition, commonly just referred to as Ministry of Ecology, is a department of the Government of France. The Ministry is responsible for preparing and implementing the French government’s policy in the fields of sustainable development, climate, energy transition, and biodiversity. Barbara Pompili was appointed Minister for the Ecological Transition on 6 July 2020.


On 8 January 1971, under French president Georges Pompidou, the Ministry of the Environment was created as a ministry subordinate to the prime minister. The first Minister of the Environment was Robert Poujade. From 1974 to 1977, the position was renamed Minister of Quality of Life; in 1978 it became Minister of the Environment and Way of Life. Sustainable development was added in 2006 and 2007.
The ministry's administration is headquartered in Tour Sequoia in La Grande Arche of La Défense. The cabinet of the Ministers is within the Hôtel de Roquelaure, boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris.


This Ministry is responsible for the country environmental policy, Transportation, Sea, and Housing Policy. The Ministry distributes funds to Research Agencies or Councils. As of 2017, the Ministry is also responsible for energy policy.

Attached departments


Lead by the Minister Delegate in charge of Transport, current minister is Jean-Baptiste Djebbari


Lead by the Minister Delegate for Housing, current minister is Emmanuelle Wargon


Lead by the Secretary of State in charge of Biodiversity, the current secretary of state is Bérangère Abba

Subordinate agencies