Mingma Sherpa

Mingma Sherpa is a Nepali mountaineer.
On May 20, 2011, at age 32, Sherpa became the first person from Nepal and the first South Asian to scale all 14 of the world's highest mountains. In the process, he set a new world record—he became the first mountaineer to climb all 14 peaks on the first attempt. Mingma Sherpa and his brother, Chhang Dawa Sherpa, hold the world record of "World's First Two Brothers" to successfully summit the 14 mountains which are above. This is a record in mountaineering history.
Mingma Sherpa is the managing director of Seven Summit Treks.
Mountains summited by Mingma Sherpa:
S.noName of mountainYear
1Mount Everest 2004
2K2 2004
3Kangchenjunga 2011
4Lhotse 2002
5Makalu 2001
6Cho Oyu 2000, 2002
7Dhaulagiri 2010
8Manaslu 2000
9Nanga Parbat 2010
10Annapurna I 2010
11Gasherbrum I 2010
12Broad Peak 2003
13Gasherbrum II 2003
14Shishapangma 2001