Mina and the Count

Mina and the Count is an American animated television series created by Rob Renzetti, which was never brought into development as a full-fledged series. Instead, animated shorts of this series aired on the two animation anthology showcases, Cartoon Network's What a Cartoon! and Nickelodeon's Oh Yeah! Cartoons.


The original Mina and the Count pilot short, "Interlude with a Vampire," premiered on the What a Cartoon! show on Cartoon Network in November 5, 1995, making it the only short to be featured on both creator-guided short projects guided by Fred Seibert. The short was about a seven-year-old girl named Mina Harper and her encounters with Vlad, a 700-year-old vampire one night while she is sleeping. The aforementioned further episodes concerned the vampire, known simply as Vlad the Count, his best friend Mina, her older sister Lucy, school bully Nick, Lucy and Mina's father Mr. Harper, a handful of monsters and Vlad's disapproving servant Igor. Everything seems to occur in a little town in North America where Mina's school and house is, including the Count's castle.

Cast and characters

Note: The original pilot aired on What a Cartoon!, and the rest were animated shorts that aired on Oh Yeah! Cartoons.