Mimí Ardú

Mimí Ardú is an Argentinian actress and former vedette.


At age 15, Ardú began receiving piano lessons from a piano teacher. That same year, she obtained her first job in the Entry Institute of Philosophy and Language as an administrator and helping primary school students. She finished her secondary studies at the Liceo Nacional de Señoritas Nro. 12 de Caballito. She studied dancing with Noemí Coelho and acting with Carlos Gandolfo in Argentina and León Escobar in Mexico. She sang with Mabel Moreno in Argentina and with David Soule Zendejas in Mexico. During the summer of 1979, she performed in Mar del Plata, where she was very successful. This led to her Reina Reech in the comedy Enredos de alcoba at the Mar del Plata Provincial Theatre. Since then, she has been continuously performing in theatre and television, forming part of the cast of telenovelas and other popular programs.
She was initiated by her sculptural body as the second vedette of several theatrical magazines to later become an actress of dramatic character.

Filmography (selection)