Milk & Honey (bar)

Milk & Honey is an award-winning cocktail bar in Soho, London, founded by Sasha Petraske. Previously there was a branch in New York City, first on the Lower East Side and later moved to the Flatiron District. The London branch is operated as a private members' club, although non-members can visit before 11pm with a prior reservation.

House Rules

The club operates a set of House Rules, which are:
  1. No name-dropping, no star fucking.
  2. No hooting, hollering, shouting or other loud behaviour.
  3. No fighting, play fighting, no talking about fighting.
  4. Gentlemen will remove their hats. Hooks are provided.
  5. Gentlemen will not introduce themselves to ladies. Ladies, feel free to start a conversation or ask the bartender to introduce you. If a man you don't know speaks to you, please lift your chin slightly and ignore him.
  6. Do not linger outside the front door.
  7. Do not bring anyone unless you would leave that person alone in your home. You are responsible for the behaviour of your guests.
  8. Exit the bar briskly and silently. People are trying to sleep across the street. Please make all your travel plans and say all farewells before leaving the bar.


In their words,
Our membership scheme is not a traditional one – there are no formal vetting and approval procedures, no referees or contacts required. In short, nothing wanky. Just apply. Act like a grown up and you can enjoy easy late drinking in London and New York for a change.
There are no free memberships, so please don't ask. It doesn't matter who you are or who you think you know.


Milk & Honey London has won the following awards: