Mike Lesk

Michael E. Lesk is an American computer scientist.


In the 1960s, Michael Lesk worked for the SMART Information Retrieval System project, wrote much of its retrieval code and did many of the retrieval experiments, as well as obtaining a BA degree in Physics and Chemistry from Harvard College in 1964 and a PhD from Harvard University in Chemical Physics in 1969.
From 1970 to 1984, Lesk worked at Bell Labs in the group that built Unix. Lesk wrote Unix tools for word processing, for compiling, and for networking. He also wrote the Portable I/O Library and contributed significantly to the development of the C language preprocessor.
In 1984, he left to work for Bellcore, where he managed the computer science research group. There, Lesk worked on specific information systems applications, mostly with geography and dictionaries.
In the 1990s, Lesk worked on a large chemical information system, the CORE project, with Cornell, Online Computer Library Center, American Chemical Society, and Chemical Abstracts Service.
From 1998 to 2002, Lesk headed the National Science Foundation's Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, where he oversaw Phase 2 of the NSF's Digital Library Initiative.
Currently, he is a professor on the faculty of the Library and Information Science Department, School of Communication & Information, Rutgers University.
Lesk received the Flame award for lifetime achievement from Usenix in 1994, is a Fellow of the ACM in 1996, and in 2005 was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He has authored a number of books.