Mikado (game)

Mikado is a pick-up sticks game originating in Europe, played with a set of same-length sticks which can measure between and.
In 1936, it was brought from Hungary to the United States and named pick-up sticks. This term is not very specific in respect to existing stick game variations. The "Mikado" name may have been avoided because it was a brand name of a game producer. The game is named for the highest scoring stick "Mikado".


Classic Mikado consists of 41 sticks. They are coded with different values that have a total of 170 points and are around 15 cm long.
NameTraditional wood typeCodingPoint valueNumber of sticks
Mikadowalnutblue20 pts1
Mandarincherryyellow/black, middle wide two narrow stripes on the ends10 pts5
Bonzen oakorange, five stripes5 pts5
Samuraibeechgreen, three stripes3 pts15
Kuli / Workerashred, two stripes2 pts15

The sticks are bundled and taken in one hand that touches the table or ground. The release creates a circular jumble. Now the players take turns, in which one stick after another should be taken up without moving or touching others. The take-away could be by hand, possibly through pressing on a stick's tip or if one has already picked up a special stick, it could be used as a helper, possibly to throw up another stick.
On a fault the turn ends. The next player bundles and drops the sticks again. After several rounds, normally five, the one with the highest score – the total of the values of the sticks picked up – is the winner.
A player is allowed to stand up on but not to leave their own place. A bad throw could be rerun and the rules should be kept strict in respect to moving sticks to enjoy the game.

Rule variations

During a player's turn:
Sticks allowed as pick-up helpers:
A stick taken when picking it up makes another stick in the stack move:

Classic Mikado

Classic Mikado is typically made from beech wood.
The large and super variants may use the 26 sticks Giant Mikado variant.

Mini Mikado

Made of 31 toothpicks painted in the middle. The game has a total of 145 points.
name / coding / value / number of the sticks:
Rules and values are the same as with normal Mikado sticks.

Giant Mikado

This type is usually used for outdoor use. There are 26 sticks with a length of and diameter. The game has a total of 200 points.
Rules and markings are the same as with normal Mikado sticks.