
Migdol, or migdal, is a Hebrew word which means either a tower, an elevated stage, or a raised bed. Physically, it can mean fortified land, i.e. a walled city or castle; or elevated land, as in a raised bed, like a platform, possibly a lookout. The term for a border fort is similar, mekter, or mgatir in Egyptian. Figuratively, "tower" has connotations of proud authority.
In archaeology, migdol is a specific type of temple, examples of which have been discovered for instance at Hazor, Megiddo, Tel Haror, Pella and Shechem.

Places named Migdol or Migdal in the Hebrew Bible

The Book of Exodus records that the children of Israel encamped at Pi-Hahiroth between Migdol and the Red Sea, before their crossing.
Joshua referred to Migdal-Gad, ‘tower of Gad’, one of the fortified cities of Judah, and also to Migdal-El, ‘tower of God’, one of the fortified towns of Naphtali and the city of origin of Mary Magdelene .
Jeremiah referred to a "Migdol" in Egypt, an island in the Nile, and Ezekiel referred to the Migdol of Syene, in Upper Egypt, in the context of the seat of government. The letters of Šuta refer to a "Magdalu in Egypt" which Albright identified with Jeremiah's Migdol.

Places in modern Israel named Migdal

Migdal Ha'emek is a large hill surrounded by the Kishon river, west of Nazareth.