Middle School Cadet Corps

The Middle School Cadet Corps are cadet programs for middle school students in the United States. Per 2005, Chicago had 26 Middle School Cadet Corps enlisting more than 850 children, overseen by the JROTC program. Students from the age of 11 can participate in the program, or younger if they have older siblings in the program. In May 2008, the American Civil Liberties Union stated that MSCC violates the United Nations sponsored Convention on the Rights of the Child by targeting students as young as 11 for recruitment activities.

List of MSCCs

The NLCC is a MSCC for youths between the ages of 11 and 13 under the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League of the United States.


A supporting organization known as the Leadership Officers Training Corps also exists as a precursor for JROTC for middle schools in Texas. The first program was created in April 1995 at Alice Johnson Junior High in Channelview under the direction of Colonel Chester T. Churrin. Today over 1,700 students are enrolled in the program in central Texas. LOTC, unlike its high school and college counterparts, does not receive federal funding.