Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center

Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center is software that provides drivers for most Microsoft mice and keyboards. It allows the user to set up and configure both mice and keyboards from within the same program.


Whereas Microsoft mice and Microsoft keyboards were previously controlled from two separate programsIntelliPoint and IntelliTypethe Mouse and Keyboard Center is responsible for both kinds of devices. 32- and 64-bit versions of the software are available, and the program integrates with Windows 8 and above's "Modern UI" interface. When the program is launched after installation it will automatically detect the user's compatible mice and keyboards if they are connected to the PC. It allows for reassignment of buttons and keys, as well as recording macros and additional functionality like a screen magnifier, and pointer precision enhancer.
Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center supports USB devices; it does not support PS/2, Bluetooth, and some older USB devices, as detailed in the following sections. Most are still supported in the latest corresponding versions of IntelliType Pro and IntelliPoint.

Security vulnerabilities

According to Ofir Moskovitch, a security researcher, Microsoft released Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center 3.2.116 with major cryptographic security issues, including Hash Collision Vulnerability. The vulnerable package was available for nearly a month on the official Microsoft website. Moskovitch informed Microsoft about it and it was fixed in an update.

Unsupported mice

+ Designer Keyboard