Michel Orcel

Michel Orcel is a contemporary French writer, publisher and psychoanalyst.


After studying classical literature at the Jesuits in Marseille, Michel Orcel graduated from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris and a DEA in Islamology under the direction of Roger Arnaldez, he finally defended a doctoral thesis in Literature and Human Sciences and obtained in 1996 his authorization to direct doctoral research.
At the same time, he began a career as a literary journalist and music critic at VOGUE, Avant-Sène Opéra, etc.
Orcel was a researcher at the European University Institute at Florence in 1976–1977 and resident at the Académie de France à Rome. He was a lecturer at Rennes, where he founded a chair in the history of Italian opera.
After having animated for years, with Alain de Gourcuff, the magazine and the editions de L'Alphée, in 2015, he founded with Noël Dominguez, the ARCADES AMBO publishing house.


Trained in Paris and subsequently analysed by Jean-Pierre Maïdani Gérard, Manuel Garcia Barroso, and Kathleen Kelley-Lainé, he practiced in Paris and Marrakech. He is a practicing member of the .


An Italianist, Orcel gave essential essays on Leopardi and the dark side of Italian literature., as well as on Verdi, of whom he is the most recent French biographer. In the field of Islamology, in addition to his travel books, he published in 2011 De la dignité de l'islam. Réfutation de quelques thèses de la nouvelle islamophobie chrétienne. Although regretting that this essay is similar to a controversial "pamphlet", the critics nevertheless welcome a useful book that presents a nuanced reading of the Quran. This book was followed by a much more neutral essay: L'Invention de l'islam, which provides an update on the traceable origins of this religion. Michel Orcel is also working on the emblematic, and in 2016 published Volume I of an article on the subject: Dictionnaire raisonné des devises, which lists and illustrates nearly 2,700 mottos.


As an author of fiction, essays, encyclopedic works, translations, Orcel has received the following awards: "Diego Valeri", "Nelly Sachs", and "Jules Janin" prizes of the Académie française as well as the "Ortensia" prize of the S.I.D.E.F. In 2015, Michel Orcel had a "museum-book" published. : Le Val de Sigale. Pays d'Esteron et de Chanan à travers six siècles d'histoire. In November 2016 he published La Destruction de Nice at Pierre Guillaume de Roux editions as well as a booklet of translations from various languages Ô nuit pour moi si claire at the Dogana.


Michel Orcel is a member of the Scientific Committee of the "Rivista Internazionale di Studi Leopardiani", member of the "Association des Traducteurs Littéraires de France", member of the "Société Française d'Héraldique et de Sigillographie" and founder of the journal Recherches romanes et comparées in 1997. He was promoted a Commander to the Order of the Star of Italy in 2009. A candidate in René Girard's chair at the Académie française during the election on 17 November 2016, Michel Orcel obtained 3 votes in the first round, against 3 for Gonzague Saint Bris and 11 for Daniel Rondeau. This election, which did not end up in a majority result, was considered "blank" and postponed to a later date. This second election did not yield any majority results.


Poetry, essays, fiction, dictionaries