Michael Armitage (RAF officer)

Sir Michael John Armitage, is a retired senior Royal Air Force commander.

RAF career

Educated at Newport Grammar School on the Isle of Wight, Armitage joined the Royal Air Force's Aircraft Apprentice Scheme at RAF Halton in 1947. He was appointed Officer Commanding No. 17 Squadron in 1967 and Station Commander at RAF Luqa in 1972. He was then Director of Forward Policy in 1976, Deputy Commander of RAF Germany in 1978 and Senior RAF Representative on the Directing Staff at the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1980. He went on to be Director of Service Intelligence in 1982, Deputy Chief of Defence Staff in 1983 and Chief of Defence Intelligence in 1984. Finally he became Air Member for Supply and Organisation in 1985, Commandant of the Royal College of Defence Studies in 1988 before retiring in 1990.


Following the dissolution of his first marriage he married Gretl Renate Steinig in 1970.