Michael A. Donaldson

Michael Aloysius Donaldson was a United States Army sergeant and a recipient of the United States military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in France during World War I.

Medal of Honor Citation

Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company I, 165th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division. Place and date: At Sommerance-Landres-et St. Georges Road, France, 14 October 1918. Entered service at: Haverstraw, N.Y. Born: 1884, Haverstraw, N.Y. General Orders: War Department, General Orders No. 9, March 23, 1923.
The advance of his regiment having been checked by intense machinegun fire of the enemy, who were entrenched on the crest of a hill before Landres-et St. Georges, his company retired to a sunken road to reorganize their position, leaving several of their number wounded near the enemy lines. Of his own volition, in broad daylight and under direct observation of the enemy and with utter disregard for his own safety, he advanced to the crest of the hill, rescued one of his wounded comrades, and returned under withering fire to his own lines, repeating his splendidly heroic act until he had brought in all the men, 6 in number.

Military Awards

Donaldson's military decorations and awards include: