
Mi-Mort is the first release by Current 93, and is a split with Nurse with Wound. It contains one track by Current 93 and four tracks by Nurse with Wound. It was released as a cassette in 1983, and was re-issued in 1984, 1985 and 1986.

Track listing

Side A
  1. "Maldoror est Mort" - Current 93 – 17:31
Side B
  1. "Ooh Baby " - Nurse with Wound – 6:12
  2. "Fashioned to a Device Behind a Tree" - Nurse with Wound – 7:22
  3. "I Was No Longer His Dominant" - Nurse with Wound – 8:39
  4. "A Snake In Your Abdomen" - Nurse with Wound – 6:20