Mexican Social Security Institute

The Mexican Institute of Social Security is a governmental organization that assists public health, pensions and social security in Mexico operating under the Secretariat of Health. It also forms an integral part of the Mexican healthcare system.


The IMSS was founded by President Manuel Ávila Camacho on January 19, 1943, in order to satisfy the legal precepts established in the Article 123 of the Constitution. It is constituted by representations of the Workers, Employers and the Federal government.
It is the largest social welfare institution in all Latin America.
For some time, however, there have been festering signs of trouble in IMSS, not the least being serious financial problems that came to a head in early November 2010.


Mexican Social Security Law

The Mexican Social Security law currently in effect, published in the Official Journal of the Federation, is the legislative domain under which the IMSS carries out its operations.
Currently the law indicates that Social Security has the following purposes:
The law contemplates two domains, an "obligatory" one, and a "voluntary" one.
The following items are excluded from the base quoted salary: