Metrizable topological vector space
In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a metrizable topological vector spaces is a TVS whose topology is induced by a metric.
Pseudometrics and metrics
A pseudometric on a set is a map satisfying the following properties:- for all ;
- Symmetry: for all ;
- Subadditivity: for all.
- Identity of indiscernibles: for all, if then.
A pseudometric on is called a ultrapseudometric or a strong pseudometric if it satisfies:
- Strong/Ultrametric triangle inequality: for all,.
A pseudometric space is a pair consisting of a set and a pseudometric on such that 's topology is identical to the topology on induced by.
We call a pseudometric space a metric space when is a metric.
Topology induced by a pseudometric
If is a pseudometric on a set then collection of open balls:forms a basis for a topology on that is called the pseudometric topology or -topology on induced by.
;Pseudometrizable space
A topological space is called pseudometrizable if there exists a pseudometric on such that is equal to the topology induced by.
Pseudometrics and values on topological groups
Every topological vector space is an additive commutative topological group but not all group topologies on are vector topologies.This is because a group topology on a vector space may not make scalar multiplication continuous.
Translation invariant pseudometrics
If is an additive group then we say that a pseudometric on is translation invariant or just invariant if it satisfies any of the following equivalent conditions:- Translation invariance: for all ;
- for all.
If is a topological group the a value or G-seminorm on is a real-valued map with the following properties:- Non-negative:.
- Subadditive: for all ;
- .
- Symmetric: for all.
- Total/Positive definite: If then.
Properties of values
If is a value on a vector space then:- for all.
- and for all and positive integers.
- The set is an additive subgroup of.
Equivalence on topological groups
Pseudometrizable topological groups
An invariant pseudometric that doesn't induce a vector topology
Let be a non-trivial real or complex vector space and let be the translation-invariant trivial metric on defined by and for all such that.The topology that induces on is the discrete topology, which makes into a commutative topological group under addition but does not form a vector topology on because is disconnected but every vector topology is connected.
What fails is that scalar multiplication isn't continuous on.
This example shows that a translation-invariant metric is not enough to guarantee a vector topology, which leads us to define paranorms and -seminorms.
If is a vector space over the real or complex numbers then a paranorm on is a G-seminorm on that satisfies any of the following additional conditions, each of which begins with "for all sequences in and all convergent sequences of scalars ":- Continuity of multiplication: if is a scalar and are such that and, then.
- Both of the conditions:
- if and if is such that then ;
- if then for every scalar.
- Both of the conditions:
- if and for some scalar then ;
- if then for all.
- Separate continuity:
- if for some scalar then for every ;
- if is a scalar,, and then.
- Total/Positive definite: implies.
Properties of paranorms
- If is a paranorm on a vector space then the map defined by is a translation-invariant pseudometric on that defines a vector topology on.
- the set is a vector subspace of.
- for all with.
- If a paranorm satisfies for all and scalars, then is absolutely homogeneity and thus is a seminorm.
Examples of paranorms
- If is a translation-invariant pseudometric on a vector space that induces a vector topology on then the map defines a continuous paranorm on ; moreover, the topology that this paranorm defines in is.
- If is a paranorm on then so is the map.
- Every positive scalar multiple of a paranorm is again such a paranorm.
- Every seminorm is a paranorm.
- The sum of two paranorms is a paranorm.
- If and are paranorms on then so is. Moreover, and. This makes the set of paranorms on into a conditionally complete lattice.
- Each of the following real-valued maps are paranorms on :
- The real-valued map is not paranorms on.
- If is a Hamel basis on a vector space then the real-valued map that sends to is a paranorm on, which satisfies for all and scalars.
- The function is a paranorm on that is not balanced but nevertheless equivalent to the usual norm on. Note that the function is subadditive.
If is a vector space over the real or complex numbers then an -seminorm on is a real-valued map with the following properties:- Non-negative:.
- Subadditive: for all ;
- Balanced: for all and all scalars satisfying ;
- This condition guarantees that each set of the form or for some is balanced.
- for every, as
- The sequence can be replaced by any positive sequence converging to 0.
- Total/Positive definite: implies.
- Monotone: for all non-zero and all real and such that.
''F''-seminormed spaces
Every isometric embedding of one -seminormed space into another is a topological embedding, but the converse is not true in general.Examples of ''F''-seminorms
- Every positive scalar multiple of an -seminorm is again an -seminorm.
- The sum of finitely many -seminorms is an -seminorm.
- If and are -seminorms on then so is their pointwise supremum. The same is true of the supremum of any non-empty finite family of -seminorms on.
- The restriction of an -seminorm to a vector subspace is an -seminorm.
- Every seminorm is an -seminorm.
- For any, the map on defined by is an -norm that is not a norm.
- If is a linear map and if is an -seminorm on, then is an -seminorm on.
Properties of ''F''-seminorms
- Every -seminorm is a paranorm and every paranorm is equivalent to some -seminorm.
- Every -seminorm on a vector space is a value on. In particular,
- ;
- for all.
Topology induced by a single ''F''-seminorm
Topology induced by a family of ''F''-seminorms
Suppose that is a non-empty collection of -seminorms on a vector space and for any finite subset and any, letThe set forms a filter base on and this filter base forms a neighborhood basis at the origin for a vector topology on.
- Each is a balanced and absorbing subset of.
- .
- is the coarsest vector topology on making each continuous.
- is Hausdorff if and only if for every non-zero, there exists some such that.
- If is the set of all continuous -seminorms on then.
- If is the set of all pointwise suprema of non-empty finite subsets of of then is a directed family of -seminorms and.
Fréchet combination
Suppose that is a family of non-negative subadditive functions on a vector space.Definition: The Fréchet combination of is defined to be the real-valued map
As an ''F''-seminorm
Assume that is an increasing sequence of seminorms on.Then is an -seminorm on that induces the same locally convex topology as the family of seminorms.
A basis of open neighborhoods of the origin consists of all sets of the form as ranges over all positive integers and ranges over all positive real numbers.
The translation invariant pseudometric on induced by this -seminorm is the
As a paranorm
If each is a paranorm then so is and moreover, induces the same topology on as the family of paranorms.This is also true of the following paranorms on :
- .
- .
Of pseudometrizable TVS
If is a topological vector space then the following are equivalent:- is pseudometrizable.
- has a countable neighborhood base at the origin.
- The topology on is induced by a translation-invariant pseudometric on.
- The topology on is induced by an -seminorm.
- The topology on is induced by a paranorm.
Of metrizable TVS
If is a TVS then the following are equivalent:- is metrizable.
- is Hausdorff and pseudometrizable.
- is Hausdorff and has a countable neighborhood base at the origin.
- The topology on is induced by a translation-invariant metric on.
- The topology on is induced by an -norm.
- The topology on is induced by a monotone -norm.
- The topology on is induced by a total paranorm.
Of locally convex pseudometrizable TVS
If is TVS then the following are equivalent:- is locally convex and pseudometrizable.
- has a countable neighborhood base at the origin consisting of convex sets.
- The topology of is induced by a countable family of seminorms.
- The topology of is induced by a countable increasing sequence of seminorms .
- The topology of is induced by an -seminorm of the form:
where are seminorms on.
Let be a vector subspace of a topological vector space.- If is a pseudometrizable TVS then so is.
- If is a complete pseudometrizable TVS and is a closed vector subspace of then is complete.
- If is metrizable TVS and is a closed vector subspace of then is metrizable.
- If is an -seminorm on, then the map defined by
is an -seminorm on that induces the usual quotient topology on.- If in addition is an -norm on and if is a closed vector subspace of then is an -norm on.
Examples and sufficient conditions
- Every seminormed space is pseudometrizable with a canonical pseudometric given by for all..
- If is pseudometric TVS with a translation invariant pseudometric, then defines a paranorm.
- However, if is a translation invariant pseudometric on the vector space , then need not be either an F-seminorm nor a paranorm.
- If a TVS has a bounded neighborhood of 0 then it is pseudometrizable; the converse is in general false.
- If a Hausdorff TVS has a bounded neighborhood of the origin then it is metrizable.
- If a TVS has a convex bounded neighborhood of the origin then it is seminormable ; if in addition is Hausdorff then it is normable.
- is normable.
- has a bounded neighborhood of the origin.
- the strong dual of is normable.
- the strong dual of is metrizable.
Metrically bounded sets and bounded sets
Suppose that is a pseudometric space and.We say that is metrically bounded or -bounded if there exists a real number such that for all ;
the smallest such is then called the diameter or -diameter of.
If is bounded in a pseudometrizable TVS then it is metrically bounded;
the converse is in general false but it is true for locally convex metrizable TVSs.
Properties of pseudometrizable TVS
Every metrizable locally convex TVS is a bornological space and a Mackey space.If is a metrizable locally convex space, then the strong dual of is bornological if and only if it is infrabarreled, if and only if it is barreled.
If is a complete pseudo-metrizable TVS and is a closed vector subspace of, then is complete.
The strong dual of a locally convex metrizable TVS is a webbed space.
If and are complete metrizable TVSs and if is coarser than then. This is no longer true if either one of these metrizable TVSs is not complete.
Recall that every topological vector space has a canonical uniform structure, induced by its topology, which allows the notions of completeness and uniform continuity to be applied to it.If is a metrizable TVS and is a metric that defines 's topology, then its possible that is complete as a TVS but the metric is not a complete metric.
Thus, if is a TVS whose topology is induced by a pseudometric, then the notion of completeness of and the notion of completeness of the pseudometric space are not always equivalent.
The next theorem gives a condition for when they are equivalent:
Subsets and subsequences
- In a pseudometrizable TVS, every bornivore is a neighborhood of the origin.
- If is a translation invariant metric on a vector space, then for all and every positive integer.
- If is a null sequence in a metrizable TVS then there exists a sequence of positive real numbers diverging to such that.
Linear maps
- If is a pseudometrizable TVS and maps bounded subsets of to bounded subsets of, then is continuous.
- Discontinuous linear functionals exist on any infinite-dimensional pseudometrizable TVS.
- Thus, a pseudometrizable TVS is finite-dimensional if and only if its continuous dual space is equal to its algebraic dual space.
- is continuous;
- is a bounded map ;
- is sequentially continuous;
- the image under of every null sequence in is a bounded set;
- Recall that a null sequence is a sequence that converges to the origin.
- maps null sequences to null sequences;
Hahn-Banach extension property
Let be a TVS.Say that a vector subspace of has the extension property if any continuous linear functional on can be extended to a continuous linear functional on.
Say that has the Hahn-Banach extension property if every vector subspace of has the extension property.
The Hahn-Banach theorem guarantees that every Hausdorff locally convex space has the HBEP.
For complete metrizable TVSs there is a converse:
If a vector space has uncountable dimension and if we endow it with the finest vector topology then this is a TVS with the HBEP that is neither locally convex or metrizable.