Mesotrophic grasslands in the British National Vegetation Classification system
The mesotrophic grassland communities in the British National Vegetation Classification system were described in Volume 3 of British Plant Communities, first published in 1992, along with the calcicolous grassland communities and the calcifugous grasslands and montane communities.
In total, 13 mesotrophic grassland communities have been identified:
- two communities in which False Oat-grass is the characteristic grass species.
- four communities of well-drained permanent pastures and meadows, two of which are widespread and the other two more localised
- a single community covering a variety of widespread types of Perennial Rye-grass long-term ley
- three widespread communities associated with poorly drained permanent pastures
- three grass-dominated inundation communities, one of which, MG13, is widespread, the other two, MG11 and MG12, more localised
List of mesotrophic grassland communities
The following is a list of the communities that make up this category: