List of works on intelligent design

This is a list of works addressing the subject or the themes of intelligent design.


Supportive non-fiction

Supportive non-fiction books

An anthology of papers from the November 1996 conference of the same name, sponsored by Christian Leadership Ministries.

Neutral non-fiction books

  1. Intelligent Design Creationism's "Wedge Strategy"
  2. # , by Barbara Forrest
  3. Johnson's Critique of Evolutionary Naturalism
  4. # , by Phillip E. Johnson
  5. # , by Robert T. Pennock
  6. # by Phillip E. Johnson
  7. # , by Robert T. Pennock
  8. A Theological Conflict?: Evolution vs. the Bible
  9. # , by Alvin Plantinga
  10. # , by Howard J. Van Till
  11. # , by Ernan McMullin
  12. # , by Alvin Plantinga
  13. Intelligent Design's Scientific Claims
  14. # , by Michael J. Behe
  15. # , by Philip Kitcher
  16. # Biology Remystified: The Scientific Claims of the New Creationists, by Matthew J. Brauer & Daniel R. Brumbaugh
  17. # , by Alvin Plantinga
  18. # , by Michael Ruse
  19. # , by Evan Fales
  20. # , by Branden Fitelson & Elliott Sober
  21. Intelligent Design Creationism vs. Theistic Evolutionism
  22. # , by Phillip E. Johnson
  23. #Phillip Johnson on Trial: A Critique of His Critique of Darwin, by Nancey Murphy
  24. # , by Arthur Peacocke
  25. # The Creation: Intelligently Designed or Optimally Equipped?, by Howard J. Van Till
  26. # , by Roy Clouser
  27. Intelligent Design and Information
  28. # , by Phillip E. Johnson
  29. # , by Richard Dawkins
  30. # , by George C. Williams
  31. # , by William A. Dembski
  32. # , by Peter Godfrey-Smith
  33. # , by Branden Fitelson, Christopher Stephens & Elliott Sober
  34. # , by Richard Dawkins
  35. Intelligent Design Theorists Turn the Tables
  36. # , by William A. Dembski
  37. # , by Robert T. Pennock
  38. # , by Stephen Jay Gould
  39. # , by Paul A. Nelson
  40. # Appealing to Ignorance Behind the Cloak of Ambiguity, by Kelly C. Smith
  41. # , by Stephen Jay Gould
  42. Creationism and Education
  43. # , by Robert T. Pennock
  44. # Creation and Evolution: A Modest Proposal, by Alvin Plantinga
  45. # Reply to Plantinga's 'Modest Proposal', by Robert T. Pennock

Critical non-fiction books

The concept of life having been designed or manipulated is a staple of science fiction. Aspects of Intelligent Design are explored in: