Mercu Buana University

Mercu Buana University is a private university in Jakarta, Indonesia. It was established on October 22, 1985. Its main campus is in Meruya.


Founding and early history

With his background as a teacher at Taman Siswa, Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra, H. Probosutedjo established Akademi Wiraswasta Dewantara on November 10, 1981. Its groundbreaking was conducted by H. Adam Malik, former Indonesian vice president. The name was taken from a national education figure: Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Before it had its own campus, lectures were given at Gedung Yayasan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia on Jalan Gatot Soebroto. In 1984, Yayasan Menara Bhakti built the Menara Bhakti Campus.
In 1985 plans were made to erect a university-level institution. With a decree of the chairman of Menara Bhakti Foundation, they in 1985 formed a committee to establish a university. On the committee were chairman Dr. Sri-Edi Swasono assisted by H. Abdul Madjid, Dr. Iman Santosa Sukardi, Dr. M. Enoch Markum, Ir. Suharyadi, M.S., Soekarno and Prijo S. Parwoto.
Kopertis Region III granted an operational permit to Mercu Buana University. On October 22, 1985 Mercu Buana was officially declared as a university with faculties and departments as follows:
The number of students in the first year was 118. A year later, based upon assessment result conducted by Kopertis Region III, the six departments received “Registered” status from Minister of Education and Culture.


UMB has expanded with its Campus D in Bekasi providing employees working or living nearby a solution to get undergraduate degree.



Prof. DR, Ngadino Surip Diposumarto MS is the rector of Mercu Buana University.

Schools and colleges

UMB is organized into schools and colleges, each with a different dean and organization.
