Mental is a television series produced by Fox's subsidiary Fox Telecolombia, which aired in the summer and fall of 2009 on FOX international channels for Latin America, Europe and Asia, starring Chris Vance and Annabella Sciorra. Mental was executive-produced by Deborah Joy LeVine – creator of the successful drama series and the Lifetime series The Division, and executive producer of Any Day Now, Dawson's Creek and the CBS series Early Edition – and her brother and writing/producing partner, Dan LeVine. Following its U.S. debut, it aired in 35 additional countries. Fox Latin America aired the first episode as a "Worldwide Premiere" on June 2, 2009. Fox aired the pilot episode on May 26, 2009, for the American market. Fox TV Studios ordered 13 episodes. It began production on June 2, 2008, at the Fox Telecolombia production facilities in Bogotá. Although the series was filmed in the city of Bogotá in Colombia representing Los Angeles, no Colombian actor was cast as a regular character and very few were cast for occasional roles, because of the strict American nature of the series. According to TVWeek, Jacqueline McKenzie, Derek Webster, Nicholas Gonzalez, and Marisa Ramirez were added to the cast of Mental, "probably as recurrent characters." Due to declining ratings, Fox cancelled the show following its first season.
Main cast
; Dr. Jack Gallagher ; Nora Skoff ; Dr. Carl Belle ; Dr. Veronica Hayden-Jones ; Dr. Chloë Artis ; Dr. Arturo Suarez
Recurring cast
;Margo Stroud ;James Stroud ;Becky Gallagher
Special guests
The series features performances by actors from the United States or other countries who have traveled to Bogotá, Colombia, to film the episode where they have their respective appearance in the next table special performances that stand out:
gave season 1 a score of 40% based on reviews by 18 critics.
The series premiere of Mental on FOX improved on its lead-in and averaged a 3.6/6, to go with just under 5.8 million viewers.
U.S. ratings
Canadian ratings
DVD Releases
A DVD of the complete series titled Mental - The Complete 1st Season was announced on September 2, 2009. The DVD was released on December 1, 2009. The DVD includes all 13 episodes on a 4-disc set, plus an unrated alternate pilot.