Mendy Werdyger

Mendy Werdyger is an American Hasidic Jewish singer, songwriter, and owner of the Jewish record label Aderet Records and its retail store, Mostly Music, on 13th Avenue in Borough Park, Brooklyn. In 2010, he released his fifth studio album. He is a son of the famous hazzan David Werdyger, brother of popular Jewish singer Mordechai Ben David, uncle of singer Yeedle, and father of singer Yisroel Werdyger, also known as Sruli Werdyger.


Werdyger grew up in the Crown Heights and Boro Park neighborhoods of Brooklyn, attending yeshivas from grade school through kollel. At age 21, he joined his father's business, Aderet Records. Mendy sang in the children's and then adult back-up choirs on recordings made by his late father, Cantor David Werdyger. Even in later years, he sang in the adult back-up choir on numerous albums of his popular brother, Mordechai Ben David as well as Avraham Fried, Dov Levine, Yerachmiel Begun, and others, as he himself was becoming a solo artist in a fast-pace growing music industry. Mendy also appeared as a guest star vocalist on a number of classic albums produced by Suki & Ding, and others over the years.
Since 1991, he has been the baal tefillah for the Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur prayer services at a Gerrer shtiebel in Boro Park, Brooklyn.
Since 2005, Werdyger and more recently his son Meir have been working on audio restoration of old albums. Though he lacks a college degree or professional training in sound engineering, he has re-mastered four CDs worth of songs recorded by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt, using computer software to clear off the scratchy distortions on the original records.


Werdyger is married to Devorah Hinda Rozmarin. They have six children. Their son Yisroel released his second album in 2010.


Solo albums