Menachem Elimelech

Menachem Elimelech is the Roberto C. Goizueta professor of environmental and chemical engineering at Yale University. In 1998, he founded Yale's environmental engineering program, for which he continues to serve as director. Elimelech specializes in problems involving physicochemical, colloidal, and microbial processes in engineered and natural environmental systems.


Elimelech graduated summa cum laude from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with B.S. and M.S. degrees in 1983 and 1985, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. in environmental engineering at Johns Hopkins University in 1989 under the direction of Charles R. O’Melia. His dissertation was titled “The Effect of Particles Size on the Kinetics of Deposition of Brownian Particles in Porous Media.”
Elimelech was professor and vice chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCLA. He moved to Yale University in 1998, he founded Yale's Environmental Engineering Program. He is currently program director.

Major Awards

Elimelech has written more than 320 journal articles, and is co-author of the book Particle Deposition and Aggregation.