Menú del día

Menú del día, or menu of the day, is a menu served by Spanish restaurants during lunch, one of the largest meals of the day in Spain. It is known for being economical and large. Spanish people will typically eat five meals a day, the comida midday meal being the largest when the menú del día is served. Spanish restaurants will serve menú del día typically between 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. This is a cheap, economic meal, typically with good food.
El menú del día is traditionally a three course meal, starting with a primer plato, or "first plate", followed by the segundo plato, or "second plate" and finished with a postre, or dessert.
The menú del día is typically a large meal, with a good price considering the amount of food. The cost ranges from 8 to 14 euros.
The menú del día is likely to change daily. The type of food served varies with what local produce is available and with the seasons.