Meizu M8

The Meizu M8 is a touch-controlled, multimedia and internet-enabled smartphone. It is popularly regarded as a Chinese iPhone-like phone due to its similarity to the features, UI, and physical design of the Apple iPhone. The M8 runs a version of Microsoft Windows CE 6 with a modified GUI, similar to that of the iPhone. It was created after the success of Meizu's 2 MP3/MP4 players — the M6 Mini Player and the M3 Music Card. The phone has been delayed several times due to not meeting Chinese cellular phone guidelines. Already it has drawn attention in the US, due to its similarity to iPhone, and also because of its unique features. Originally announced in two versions — an entry-level version with no camera and a standard version — only the standard model was released.

Announcement dates

CEO Jack Wong had announced the Meizu M8 four days after the announcement of the iPhone as a direct competitor. The product was soon set for an October / November release. The M8 was released for public testing on April, 2007 in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, drawing positive reviews.


Some expected specifications of the M8 :
H.264 Baseline Profile :2.5Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
MPEG-4 Simple Profile :2Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
WMV 3 :3.2Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
H.263 :1.5Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
DIVX :5Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
XVID :4Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
DX50 :6Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
MPEG-1 :1.5 Mbit/s,720×480,30fps;
FLV :500kbit/s,720×480,30fps

Meizu appeared at CeBIT on March 4, 2008 with a non-functional, plastic prototype of the M8 able to display three screenshots of the UI, and a development board running partially working UI with most phone functions. No fully working unit was shown though.
On the second day of the exhibition, March 5, German police initiated by Sisvel raided 51 booths including Meizu; where a newly developed MP3 player was thought to infringe a Fraunhofer Society patent and confiscated.

Production Halt

On October 9, 2010, it was reported that Meizu had shut down production of the M8 due to pressure from the Intellectual Property Offices and Apple Inc. because of its close similarities to the iPhone. Apple also was looking to ban all sales of the M8 as well, which some media outlets have speculated could bankrupt the company due to losses from unsold inventory, but no official word on this has been heard.