Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary
Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area in Myanmar with an extent of and one of the ASEAN Heritage Parks.
Meinmahla Kyun is an island in the Ayeyarwady Delta ranging in elevation from and covered by mangrove forest. It was declared a Ramsar site in 2017.Biodiversity
Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary harbours about 40 mangrove species, 53 species of medicinal plants and 11 orchid species, 59 fish species, 35 butterfly species, 26 snake species, 12 shrimp species, 10 crab species, and saltwater crocodile. A fishing cat was photographed in February 2016 for the first time in the country.
The sanctuary provides habitat for both resident and migratory birds. Among the 102 species sighted during boat surveys in February 2006 were Oriental white ibis, glossy ibis, bar-tailed godwit, hen harrier, clamorous reed warbler, Oriental white-eye, greater coucal, red-breasted flycatcher, whimbrel and black-crowned night-heron.
Nordmann's greenshank, rufous woodpecker, lesser adjutant, black-headed ibis, great thick-knee, Eurasian curlew, Asian dowitcher, brown-winged kingfisher, great knot, red knot, curlew sandpiper, spoon-billed sandpiper and red-necked stint were observed in December 2016.