A regular megagon is represented by the Schläfli symbol and can be constructed as a truncated 500000-gon, t, a twice-truncated 250000-gon, tt, a thrice-truncated 125000-gon, ttt, or a four-fold-truncated 62500-gon, tttt, a five-fold-truncated 31250-gon,, or a six-fold-truncated 15625-gon,. A regular megagon has an interior angle of 179.99964°. The area of a regular megagon with sides of length a is given by The perimeter of a regular megagon inscribed in the unit circle is: which is very close to 2π. In fact, for a circle the size of the Earth's equator, with a circumference of 40,075 kilometres, one edge of a megagon inscribed in such a circle would be slightly over 40 meters long. The difference between the perimeter of the inscribed megagon and the circumference of this circle comes to less than 1/16 millimeters. Because 1000000 = 26 × 56, the number of sides is not a product of distinctFermat primes and a power of two. Thus the regular megagon is not a constructible polygon. Indeed, it is not even constructible with the use of neusis or an angle trisector, as the number of sides is neither a product of distinct Pierpont primes, nor a product of powers of two and three.
Like René Descartes's example of the chiliagon, the million-sided polygon has been used as an illustration of a well-defined concept that cannot be visualised. The megagon is also used as an illustration of the convergence of regular polygons to a circle.
The regular megagon has Dih1000000dihedral symmetry, order 2000000, represented by 1000000 lines of reflection. Dih1000000 has 48 dihedral subgroups:,,,,, and. It also has 49 more cyclic symmetries as subgroups:,,,,,, and, with Zn representing π/n radian rotational symmetry. John Conway labels these lower symmetries with a letter and order of the symmetry follows the letter. r2000000 represents full symmetry and a1 labels no symmetry. He gives d with mirror lines through vertices, p with mirror lines through edges, i with mirror lines through both vertices and edges, and g for rotational symmetry. These lower symmetries allows degrees of freedom in defining irregular megagons. Only the g1000000 subgroup has no degrees of freedom but can be seen as directed edges.
A megagram is a million-sided star polygon. There are 199,999 regular forms given by Schläfli symbols of the form, where n is an integer between 2 and 500,000 that is coprime to 1,000,000. There are also 300,000 regular star figures in the remaining cases.