
Meeow! is a 2000-2003 Scottish animated children's series based on the Maisie MacKenzie books by Aileen Paterson, and produced simultaneously in English and Gaelic versions. The series is about a young cat named Maisie Mac who lives with her grandmother in Morningside in Edinburgh as her explorer father is always away.
Scottish Television in association with The Gaelic Committee, decided to make the book into a cartoon series, with Siriol Animation doing the animation. The stories were narrated by Scottish comedian Stanley Baxter and by actor Tony Kearney, and the theme music was produced by The Singing Kettle. Its first run was featured on ITV children's block, CITV.
The programme was re-aired in 2009 on wknd@stv - a children's television strand on Scottish television channel, STV. The Gaelic version still airs on BBC Alba. From March 2015, the series airs as part of the "Weans' World" block on STV Glasgow and STV Edinburgh.
The rights of the show was owned by The Sleepy Kids Company Ltd which was later changed to SKD Media and Entertainment Rights, then dissolved into Classic Media and later became the property of Universal Television in 2016.


International Broadcast