
Mediapart is an independent French online investigative and left-leaning opinion journal created in 2008 by Edwy Plenel, former editor-in-chief of Le Monde. Mediapart is published in French, English and Spanish.


Mediapart's income is solely derived from subscription fees; the website does not carry any advertising. In 2011 Mediapart made a profit for the first time, netting €500,000 from approximately 60,000 subscribers.
Mediapart consists of two main sections: Le Journal, run by professional journalists, and Le Club, a collaborative forum edited by its subscriber community. In 2011, Mediapart launched FrenchLeaks, a whistleblower website inspired by WikiLeaks.
In March 2017, Edwy Plenel stated that the online journal had 130 000 subscribers. By March 2018, it had reached 140 000 subscribers.

Landmark investigations

Mediapart has played a central role in the investigation and revelation of several major French political scandals, including: